Spring 2016 has been busy so far! We have our oats in the ground and a few litters of hogs that are growing very quickly. They should be on track to finish in late July-early September. All the new litters are sired by a boar we raised here at the farm. We are in a transition and will hopefully have a full herd of purebred Berkshires by the end of 2016. Why Berkshires? The answer is simple they produce the highest quality meat of any pork breed in the United States. Berkshire hogs are bred specifically for meat quality, flavor and tenderness. We want to be the best producer of farm raised meats in our area and eventually the Mountain west region. The Berkshire breed will help us meet that goal. All of our hogs we have sold so far have been 1/2 Berkshire 1/2 Crossbreds.
This year we will also be selling a few whole and half lamb. These lambs are born and raised up until weaning west of Cheyenne by the Watkins Family. Coming up in May the lambs will be weaned and we will bring them up to our Farm and put them out on one of our pastures for the summer. While they are on pasture we will supplement the lambs with mineral and some corn. As the summer progresses we will increase the amount of corn they get until their finish weight. We are very excited to start growing and selling affordable locally raised lambs to our customers this year.
Spring 2016
Spring 2016 has been busy so far! We have our oats in the ground and a few litters of hogs that are growing very quickly. They should be on track to finish in late July-early September. All the new litters are sired by a boar we raised here at the farm. We are in a transition and will hopefully have a full herd of purebred Berkshires by the end of 2016. Why Berkshires? The answer is simple they produce the highest quality meat of any pork breed in the United States. Berkshire hogs are bred specifically for meat quality, flavor and tenderness. We want to be the best producer of farm raised meats in our area and eventually the Mountain west region. The Berkshire breed will help us meet that goal. All of our hogs we have sold so far have been 1/2 Berkshire 1/2 Crossbreds.
This year we will also be selling a few whole and half lamb. These lambs are born and raised up until weaning west of Cheyenne by the Watkins Family. Coming up in May the lambs will be weaned and we will bring them up to our Farm and put them out on one of our pastures for the summer. While they are on pasture we will supplement the lambs with mineral and some corn. As the summer progresses we will increase the amount of corn they get until their finish weight. We are very excited to start growing and selling affordable locally raised lambs to our customers this year.